
Duty Free Cleansing Care: Fresh and Purified Skin Every Day

Cleansing care is the essential step to eliminate impurities and maintain healthy and radiant skin. Whether it's a gentle cleanser, a purifying foam or a refreshing gel, our selection of cleansing care allows you to deeply cleanse your skin while respecting its natural balance. At Extime Duty Free, discover products suitable for all skin types for a perfect beauty routine.

Expert brands for impeccable skin

Our collection includes renowned brands such as Clinique, Kiehl's, Clarins, and many more. Whether you are looking for a hydrating, purifying or soothing cleanser, these products are formulated to meet the specific needs of your skin while leaving it clean and radiant.

Why choose your cleansing care at Extime Duty Free?

By purchasing your cleansing care at Extime Duty Free, you benefit from tax-free prices on professional quality products. Perfect to complete your skincare routine or to offer, our cleansing treatments are available in practical formats for traveling.

Click & Collect: book your cleansing treatments in advance

With Extime Duty Free's Click & Collect service, you can book your cleansing treatments online, whether it's Clinique, Kiehl's, or Clarins, and collect them directly in store at the airport. This fast and convenient service allows you to leave with exceptional products without wasting time.